Unlock the Mystery of Snapchat Planets: What You Need to Know

Ever wished you could explore the universe from your phone? Well, Snapchat’s got you covered! In 2024, the popular social media app has taken a giant leap into the cosmos with its innovative Snapchat Solar System feature. This blog post will take you on a journey through the Snapchat Planets Order and unravel the meanings behind this celestial friendship visualization tool.

What Are Snapchat Planets (Friend Solar Systems)?

Snapchat Planets (Friend Solar Systems)

Snapchat Planets, also known as Friend Solar Systems, is a cutting-edge Snapchat Plus feature that’s taking social media by storm. This celestial twist on friendship circles on Snapchat transforms your social connections into a mesmerizing virtual galaxy. As a Snapchat Plus subscriber, you become the sun at the center of your own personal universe, with your closest friends orbiting around you as planets.

The Cosmic Connection

This interactive social feature isn’t just a pretty face – it’s a powerful tool for understanding and visualizing your Snapchat interaction levels. By turning your Snapchat friends into planets, the app creates a vivid representation of your social dynamics. The closer a planet orbits to you, the stronger your connection with that friend.

CenterYou (the Sun)
PlanetsYour top 8 friends
ProximityRepresents friendship strength
VisualsUnique for each planet

Unlocking the Galaxy

To access this feature, you’ll need to subscribe to Snapchat Plus. It’s an exclusive perk that adds a whole new dimension to your Snapchat experience. The subscription not only grants you access to the Friend Solar System but also unlocks a variety of other features designed to enhance your social media journey.

Snapchat Planets Order Explanation in Detail

The Snapchat Planets Order follows our solar system’s structure, with eight planets representing your top friends. This personalized friendships display is more than just eye candy – it’s a reflection of your Snapchat engagement tracking. Let’s dive into each planet and uncover what your cosmic friendships mean.

The Celestial Hierarchy

Your Snapchat solar system is a dynamic entity, constantly evolving based on your interactions. The app uses a complex algorithm to determine planet assignments, taking into account factors like:

  • Frequency of snaps exchanged
  • Duration of chat conversations
  • Story views and interactions
  • Shared Snapstreaks

This cosmic dance of data ensures that your Friend Solar System is always an accurate representation of your current social landscape.

Read this Blog: The SMO Meaning on Snapchat

1. Mercury Snapchat Planets

Mercury Snapchat Planets

Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, represents your ride-or-die bestie. This red-hot friendship burns bright with four fiery hearts orbiting the planet. Being someone’s Mercury means you’re their go-to person, the one they snap first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

“True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.” – David Tyson

If you’re Mercury in someone’s Snapchat solar system, congrats! You’ve achieved the highest rank in their Snapchat friend ranking.

Mercury’s Influence

As Mercury, you have a significant impact on your friend’s Snapchat experience. Your snaps and chats are likely to receive priority in their feed, and you might even get special notifications when they’re online or creating content.

2. Venus Snapchat Planets

Venus Snapchat Planets

Venus, the second planet from the sun, symbolizes a warm and affectionate friendship. This light brown sphere is embraced by a collection of yellow, pink, and blue hearts, representing a bond that’s both strong and nurturing. Being Venus means you’re a crucial part of your friend’s inner circle, always there to lend an ear or share a laugh.

The Venus Connection

Venus friends often share a deep emotional connection. You might find that you and your Venus friends have similar interests, inside jokes, or even finishing each other’s sentences. This planet represents a friendship that’s comfortable yet exciting, much like the actual Venus’s atmosphere – warm and inviting.

3. Earth Snapchat Planets

Earth Snapchat Planets

Earth, your home away from home, represents the third closest friend in your Snapchat cosmos. This familiar blue and green orb is adorned with a moon, stars, and red hearts, symbolizing a friendship that’s both grounded and full of adventure. As Earth, you’re the friend who brings balance and stability to the relationship.

Earthly Bonds

Earth friends are often the ones you’ve known for a long time. They might not always be the first to view your story or send a snap, but they’re consistently there, providing a sense of reliability in your social circle. These friendships are characterized by their longevity and depth.

4. Mars Snapchat Planets

Mars Snapchat Planets

The fourth spot in the Snapchat Planets Order belongs to Mars, the red planet with blue hearts. This intriguing combination represents a friendship that’s fiery and passionate, yet cool and collected. Being Mars in someone’s solar system means you bring excitement and energy to the relationship, always up for new experiences and challenges.

The Martian Spirit

Mars friends are often the adventurers in your group. They’re the ones suggesting new filters to try, planning group snaps, or initiating fun Snapchat games. This planet represents a friendship that’s always evolving and never boring.

5. Jupiter Snapchat Planets

Jupiter Snapchat Planets

Jupiter, the gentle giant of your social circle, takes the fifth position. Its reddish-orange sphere with dark stripes and revolving stars symbolizes a friendship that’s expansive and influential. As Jupiter, you’re the friend who brings people together, always ready with a joke or a word of wisdom.

Jupiter’s Gravity

In your Snapchat solar system, Jupiter friends often play a central role in group dynamics. They might be the ones who create and manage group chats, organize events, or keep everyone connected. Their presence in your friend list often leads to expanding your social circle.

6. Saturn Snapchat Planets

Saturn Snapchat Planets

The sixth planet, Saturn, is known for its stunning rings. In your Snapchat Solar System, Saturn represents a friend who stands out from the crowd. The orange sphere encircled by a prominent ring and surrounded by stars signifies a unique and enduring bond. If you’re Saturn, you bring something special to the friendship that no one else can replicate.

The Saturnian Influence

Saturn friends often have a distinct impact on your Snapchat experience. They might be the ones who introduce you to new features, share unique content, or inspire you to be more creative with your snaps. This planet represents a friendship that encourages growth and exploration.

7. Uranus Snapchat Planets

Uranus Snapchat Planets

Uranus, the seventh planet, introduces an intriguing twist in the Snapchat Planets Order. This green sphere lacks the orbiting hearts seen around closer planets, symbolizing a more distant yet intriguing connection. As Uranus, you might be a newer friend or someone with whom interactions are less frequent but still meaningful.

The Uranian Mystery

Uranus friends add an element of surprise to your Snapchat experience. They might pop up with an unexpected snap that brightens your day or share content that introduces you to new perspectives. This planet represents potential – a friendship that could develop into something more significant with time and interaction.

8. Neptune Snapchat Planets

Neptune Snapchat Planets

Neptune, the eighth and final planet in the Snapchat cosmos, represents the outer reaches of your social solar system. This blue planet, like Uranus, doesn’t have orbiting hearts, indicating a more casual or infrequent interaction. However, being Neptune doesn’t mean the friendship is less valuable – it might be a connection with untapped potential or a friend who provides a unique perspective.

Neptune’s Distant Charm

Neptune friends often bring a breath of fresh air to your Snapchat feed. They might be acquaintances from different social circles, old friends you’ve reconnected with, or new connections you’re just starting to explore. This planet represents the diversity and expansiveness of your social network.

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How To Find Your Position in Your Friend’s Solar System on Snapchat?

Position in Your Friend's Solar System on Snapchat

Curious about where you stand in your friends’ cosmic circles? Here’s a step-by-step guide to uncovering your planetary position:

  1. Open Snapchat and navigate to your friend’s profile
  2. Look for a badge labeled “Best Friends” or “Friends” with a gold ring
  3. Tap the badge to reveal your assigned planet in their solar system

Remember, your position can change based on your Snapchat interaction levels. To improve your planetary status, try these tips:

  • Increase your snap exchanges
  • Engage more with their stories
  • Use Snapchat’s various features like Bitmoji, voice messages, and video calls

Understanding Your Cosmic Status

Your position in someone’s solar system isn’t just about quantity of interaction – quality matters too. Meaningful conversations, creative snap exchanges, and consistent engagement all contribute to your planetary status. It’s not about competing for the top spot, but about nurturing genuine connections.

Video Guide To Get Friend Solar System (Snapchat Planets) On Snapchat?

For a visual walkthrough of accessing and interpreting your Snapchat Solar System, check out this helpful video tutorial:

This guide covers:

  • Accessing the Friend Solar System feature
  • Understanding planet assignments
  • Tips for maximizing your Snapchat Plus experience

Beyond the Basics

The video also delves into some advanced features of the Friend Solar System, including:

  • How to interpret changes in your solar system over time
  • Using the feature to strengthen existing friendships
  • Leveraging your cosmic status to expand your social circle

The Future of Snapchat’s Cosmic Features

As Snapchat continues to innovate, we can expect the Friend Solar System feature to evolve. Potential future updates might include:

  • Interactive elements within your solar system
  • Customization options for planet appearances
  • Integration with other Snapchat features like Snap Map

These possibilities highlight Snapchat’s commitment to creating engaging, immersive social experiences that go beyond simple photo and video sharing.


The Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning feature is more than just a fun visualization , it’s a window into the dynamics of your friendships. By transforming your social circle into a cosmic display, Snapchat has created a unique way to reflect on and nurture your connections.

As social media continues to evolve, features like the Snapchat Solar System pave the way for more intuitive and engaging ways to understand our digital relationships. Whether you’re a Mercury blazing bright in someone’s inner circle or a distant Neptune with potential for growth, each position in the Snapchat cosmos tells a story of friendship.

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